The State Medicinal Plants Board was formed by G.O.Rt.No.350 HM&FW (R.2) Department, Dated 22.04.2002 with the Chairmanship of Hon'ble Minister of Health, Medical & Family Welfare and the vice-chairmanship of Hon'ble Minister of Environment, Forest, Science & Technology. Other members are Prl. Secretaries of HM&FW, EFS&T, Industries & Commerce, Commissioners of Tribal Welfare, Horticulture Departments, Directors of IICT, Hyderabad and CIMAP, Hyderabad. The representatives from the Research institutes, NGO, Pharmaceutical Companies and the representatives of Medicinal Plants Grower and the Drug Manufacturers Association are also included in the Board as members. Chief Executive Officer is a member convener of the Board and looks after the day to day activities of the State Medicinal Plants Board.