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Functions of the Board

Assessment of the demand and supply position of the Medicinal Plants within the State, Country and Abroad.
Advise the concerned Ministries/ Departments / Organisations/ State Government Undertakings on policy matters relating to the schemes and programmes for the development of medicinal plants in the State.
Provide guidance in formulation of proposals, schemes and programmes to be taken up by the agencies having access to land and for cultivation and infrastructure for collecting, storage and transportation of the medicinal plants.
Identification, inventorisation and quantification of medicinal plants in the state.
Promotion of ex-situ/ in-situ cultivation and conservation of medicinal plants in the state.
Promoting the co-operative efforts among the collectors and growers, assisting them to store, transport and market their produce effectively.
Setting up of data base system for Inventorisation and dissemination of information of Medicinal Plants.
Matters relating to import and export of raw material as well as value-added products either as medicine, food supplements, as herbal cosmetics including adoption of better techniques for marketing of products to increase their reputation for quality and reliability in the country and abroad.
Undertaking and awarding scientific, technological research and cost effective studies in the state.
Development of protocols for cultivation and quality control of the medicinal plants.
Encouraging the protection of patents and IPR.
Registering the farmers and traders of medicinal plants in the State of Telangana.